To purchase individual modules please contact [email protected] for tickets


Freedom School Module One: The Foundation

In module one, you’ll learn what exactly social justice is, how your identities (race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, age, etc.) impact how you see the world, and what it takes to develop a liberatory consciousness. The way we see and experience the world is affected by who we are and the identities we hold. Consider how the identities and the privileges you hold may affect the stories you are exposed to, the experiences you value, and the power you have. This foundation’s work will be based on the teachings of Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Patricia Hill Collins, and other Black feminist teachers.

To learn more about our full course offering please visit our website. As a reminder the course will start in January 2021

Freedom School will give you the analysis and intellectual framework you need to think critically about oppression and liberation. The entire 12 months will be grounded in the Black feminist perspective.